domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011


Hi! How many animals do you know? Here you can learn everything you need to know about them.

Next, do the following activity: you have to listen to this story, related to what happens to your pets when you want to move to the UK.

Can you identify animals by listening to their descriptions? Check it here.

It is time now for Grammar. Revise the use of the Present Perfect Simple with this video.
In this exercise, what you have to do is to rewrite the sentences using the Present Perfect.

Troubles to understand the Present Perfect Continuous? have a look at this and do theactivities related to it.

To finish with, we are going to work with a song by The Rasmus to practice with the Present Perfect Continuous. Enjoy!!

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

4 ºESO

Hello again!! Have you ever heard about Thanksgiving Day? It is a special day in the USA.It is celebrated the last Thursday of November.Today, we are going to learn about it.

First of all, have a look at this text. It is about the origin of Thanksgiving. To continue with, we have this presentation, which also explains where Thanksgiving Day comes from.

Once we know some facts about this special day, let´s see how people in the USA celebrate Thanksgivng nowadays.

Now, it is time to check if you have understood everything. Try this quiz while revising the Past Simple, and then continue with this reading comprehension.

We should also listen to this video where you will learn some expressions related to a typical Thanksgiving food.

To finish with, enjoy these games. Play hangman with words related to Thanksgiving and learn how to prepare Holiday Stuffed Turkey.

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011


We are having an exam soon, so it´s time to revise all we have learnt till now.
Fist of all, have a look at these activities related to QUANTIFIERS

Here you have an explanation of all quantifiers

Continue with this explanation of Present Continuous and do these activities
The same with the Present Simple and the Adverbs of Frequency

Now, have a look at this explanation showing the contrast between the Present Simple and Continuous. After that, do exercise 1 . Have you finished? It´s time to remember QUESTION WORDS.

Maybe you had too much work today, so relax listening to this song and do the activities related to it.

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011

4º ESO

Hi! How are you feeling today? Have a look at this
This week we are going to deal with feelings and emotions. Try this quiz. After that, listen to three situations about three different women. What are they feeling and why?
How do you feel about this song?

Now it´s time for grammar. Listen to this conversation from a man who has just arrived from a trip to London, and answer the questions.

To continue with, revise grammar with these activities

Finished ?Continue with this

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011


Listen to different words related to Art

Do you know Andy Warhol?He was a famous artist. Click here to learn about him.

In this unit, you will learn to describe a picture. Have a look at this description the painter Vincent Van Gogh made of his room .

Now, it is time to revise Grammar. Fisrt of all, have a look to the use of the Present Simple and after that, to the Present Continuous. It is important that you can distinguish between them.
Listen to this story and pay attention to the use of the Present Simple and Continuous.And now, have some practice.

2º ESO

Hello! we are back! Today, we will focus on future tense. First, watch this video . then, do these activities 1, 2 , 3 . Then, do this li...