martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

3º ESO

Hello again!! This is the last unit before holidays. Christmas is coming!
glitter-graphics.comToday, we are dealing with sports. First of all, have a look at this list of names of sports.
Then, listen to this audio about playing sports and do the activities.
To continue with, read this text about the origins of ten sports and watch this video about skateboarding and the activities. Now, you have to match descriptions of sports to the pictures of those sports. Next, do this wordsearch about sports and read about Olypmic symbols.

Finally, watch this slide share about the 20 most common songs at sports events . Enjoy!

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015



Hello!! Thursday!! The weekend is near...So let´s do some entertaining activities to relax form this hard week.

Do you like reading book? Here you have some interesting  activities related to types of books and parts of a book.
After that, try these listening activities about libraries and education and work
When you finish, watch this video about libraries that have appeared on tv.In this other video, you can see the evolution of books until nowdays.
Now continue with the explanation of how books are made and have a look at the different types of genres.

To continue with, we are going to introduce the Present Perfect with some activities.In this one, we will revise countries and nationalities while introducing the new topic. After that, watch this video and do the activities
Finally, listen to this song related to the Present Perfect.
See you!!

2º ESO

Hello! we are back! Today, we will focus on future tense. First, watch this video . then, do these activities 1, 2 , 3 . Then, do this li...