jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

4º ESO

Hello!Today we are going to do some activities related to crime and violence...a problem society has to solve.
First, we are going to follow a virtual tour about Jack the Ripper, one of the most famous criminals in England. Also, we are going to read a text about domestic violence, a very serious problem in our society.
To continue with, we are going to learn some vocabulary related to violence. Then, you have to associate a criminal to a crime in this activity

Another topic related to violence is terrorism. Here you have a quiz about terrorist attacks. To finish  this sensitive topic, we are listening to this song by the legendary group Queen.

Let´s change the topic. We are dealing now with some activities related to grammar: Present Perfect Continuous and Past Perfect. For that, watch this video and do the activities. More activities with the Past Perfect.
    See you next week!!!

2º ESO

Hello! we are back! Today, we will focus on future tense. First, watch this video . then, do these activities 1, 2 , 3 . Then, do this li...