martes, 19 de octubre de 2021

3º ESO

Hi guys! Do you like music? Do these activities about music. After, watch this video about past simple and continuous. Next, do the following activities to practise. Finally, listen to this song and dothe activities related to it

1º ESO

Hello again!! What do you do every day? Here you have routines Then, listen to this song about a boy's routines What about your free time? Here you have vocabulary related to routines 1, 2. To continue with, we will deal with Present Simple, which is used to talk about routines, so watch this video about Sarah's routines. After, do these activities about Present Simple: If you have any doubts, you can watch this video Finally, do this comprehension activity

martes, 12 de octubre de 2021

1º ESO

Hi there!! Today, we are goig to revise vocabulary related to family and the verbs to be and have got. First, do this activity about family words. Next, listen to this song about possesive adjectives. To continue with, do these activities about the verb to be and the verb have got and short answers. Finally, we are going to do some activities in our notebooks and listen to a song and do some activities about it. Enjoy!!

3º ESO

Hi there! Today, we are going to revise vocabulary related to films and grammar. To start with,these activities related to films. Then, continue practising Present Simple and Continuous 1, 2, 3

2º ESO

Hello! we are back! Today, we will focus on future tense. First, watch this video . then, do these activities 1, 2 , 3 . Then, do this li...