miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2022


Hi there! Today, we are going to revise conditional sentences. First, watch this video and pay attention to the explanation. Then, do the activities that follow: That´s all for today

1º ESO

Hello! Today we are going to deal with Sport. First, do these activities related to Sport 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Next, watch this video about the first marathon. when you finish, watch this video about favourite sports. Then. do these worksheets Enjoy!!!!

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2022


Hello! today we are going to deal with a special topic: love. I have activities for 1ºESO and 3º ESO. First, read the text and answer the questions: Valentine's day idioms, una ficha interactiva de KatinhaT
Next, play this genially quiz Finally, listen to this song and do the activities that follow First, do this quiz
Valentine's Day Quiz, una ficha interactiva de Szilvi
Next, do this wordsearch After that, do you know these famous couples? Finally, listen to this song and do the activities

2º ESO

Hello! we are back! Today, we will focus on future tense. First, watch this video . then, do these activities 1, 2 , 3 . Then, do this li...